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Hollywood seeking to secure you can't play your DVD on your PC?


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Pain_Man passed this one along to me. A disturbing trend indeed.






The funny, ironic, and even sad thing is that at the start of DVD's, Hollywood thought the only way to make them profitable was to secure the PC side's support. By making DVD players standard in a PC they gradually wanted to introduce people to them. I had my first DVD player inside a PC. (I keep forgetting that one I had in 1999 in my PC and rarely used before the PS2. :blush2:) Now, Hollywood is willing to toss aside PC users because it's done with them?

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Pah! Let them try, I say. It all seems pretty dependent on WMP - which I don't use anyway. As for not working on Linux - that may be stretching it a bit. Besides, do you not think that companies such as Cyberlink will take this to court? I know I would if a large chunk of my income came from royalties derived from inclusion of my software with the sale of DVD drives.

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