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Maybe we can cut a deal?


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Or, maybe not.



Not for Jack Palance, who said that in Batman, anyway.



Jack's not back. He's no longer with us. :bye2:



For me, I think I'll always remember one of his lesser roles, as a racist post Civil War in a film called The McMasters, where his co-stars have also passed on. Brock Peters as a freed slave and Burl Ives as, well, I forget, actually. Jack also starred in an unfairly overlooked (Although, even I admit, it wasn't great.) remake of The Shape Of Things To Come.



Of course, how can anyone forget that hallmark moment of doing a push-up when receiving your Academy Award, at his age?



And, we'll just forget that one time he appeared in a Joe D'Mato Emanuelle movie. :wink: Even Stacey Keach, Jr. had to appear in a cannibal flick.



Oh, I forgot another favorite role of mine! The star of Rod Serling's original "Requiem For A Heavyweight" on TV.

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