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Posted (edited)

I don't know how it happens but sometimes the incorrect icons are shown for the corresponding file extension types. For instance, my default player for .mp4 files is VLC. The representing icon should be the orange "traffic cone" but it's not. Now, when I right-click the entire line in the DLE and select properties, that window still shows the properly configured icon which is the orange traffic cone.

*EDIT for completeness*: This mismatched icon between file extension types is only mismatched in the conceptual view (if you will, will you?) of the DLE, not the top.left actual file explorer view. All those icons still match up properly with their corresponding extension types.

*EDIT # 2: More good news. I just realized that the icons being shown in the authoring view of the project files are the very first icons on my desktop. So yeah, this looks like some kind of indexing error (from a programming perspective). While I only have 3 different extension types in my project, I'm guessing the software is indexing (inproperly) into a master Windows icon database and using the same indexes versus the "absolute" indexes that would be required to match these up right.

It's just a nitpick bug that I wish would get fixed. It doesn't really effect anything seriously as far as mastering discs go, but hey, it's a bug, and bugs are nasty and we should exterminate them. So, I'm reporting the bug.

On a related note, are we any closer to a new release of this software than we were a year ago or is it just kinda suspended in an infinite state of "unknown"?

Edited by AlbertEinstein
grammar corrections, because I'm human

I would also check that the extension is correct in File Explorer as it could mean you may need to rebuild your icon cache.

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, dbminter said:

I would also check that the extension is correct in File Explorer as it could mean you may need to rebuild your icon cache.

I just checked. They're all still correct in the Windows 10 File Explorer. I think the software is indexing [0], [1], [2] into my desktop icons versus the absolute values that don't depend on a specific order.

Edited by AlbertEinstein

Not an issue I've ever run into myself and I doubt it's one I could ask you to faithfully reproduce.

There is a degree of caching of the file info within the program - icon index within the system image list included, so perhaps that's what's causing it.

The properties page always makes a fresh call to get the icon index, so that explains why that always works.

I will make pressing F5 (refresh) ignore and rebuild the cache when enumerating the items.

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