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Having hard time maybe wrong program


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I am looking to backup actually copy my movie collection so I can put away original disks and watch movies off the copies I make. This way my originals don't get scratched by accident.


Anyways I have been trying to copy my movies with this program but I don't see any step by step disk to disk directions.


Can someone carefully tell me how to copy one disk to the other the easiest way.



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the bad news is your movie collection (originals) would be copy protected and IMGburn will not make a copy its a burning program . For legal reasons we dont support copyright bypassing, it has to be that way sorry .

If you spend some time with Google I'm sure you will find what you want and again for legal reasons I can't link you there :(

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hmm I am kind of confused. Someone told me to look for an ISO burning program????


We looked on google and this is the one we found.


You're telling me that this program cannot do what I wanted to do?


Ok well I wish someone could direct me where to look maybe a few keywords I could possibly use to look on google with?

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We know exactly what you need and how to do it. Unfortunately, we can neither guide you nor point you in the right direction. The reason is a legal one and will not be breached by anyone here. As for what to search for on Google, type in what you want to do. :)

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