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First Time User


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Hi all, first time user here.


Firstly I'd like to congratulate you on a superb piece of software.


Secondly, I hope you can hep with my (probably simple) query;


I have tried to burn an image to dvd but when I play it back on a dvd player, there is sound but the picture is extremely faint, in fact you can hardly see it. The original plays fine on my pc. Am I missing a simple check box somewhere or have I burnt the dvd incorrectly?


Thanks in advance.



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if you've left everything at its default settings, then no, you haven't missed anything out.

ImgBurn only burns whats in the original input file, so good sound and good audio = good sound and good audio on the disc you create.

Its most likely to do with either the blank media you've been using, or possibly your standalone player doesn't like that type/brand/format of media

can you post a log file from ImgBurn for us to see. click on VIEW and put a check against LOG , this opens another window if you cant already see it , then when you've done a burn copy and paste it into here.

also if you can copy and paste what is in the right hand window in ImgBurn as well, that helps.

you can google your standalone players make and model to confirm what formats it will play ( may be handy for later)

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