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black lines on burned dvds


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2 black marks?!


Have you accidentally put a marker pen in your drive? :P


Ok, seriously, it must be some sort of hardware glitch if it's burning the disc so badly that they turn black - I didn't even know that was possible!


A photo of one of the discs in question might help us understand exactly what it is that you're seeing.

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hi ,

I'm new to this board but i'm expiriencing a similar problem


one line near centre of dvd and another about 1 cm from outside edge of disk


using clickit4me, dvd decrypter, dvdshrink and imgburn


8x dvd-r gigatain in lg burner


when burning at 4x what happens is start of burn ok then burn speed drops to 3.6 for a couple of seconds

then returns to 4., later in disc it happens again

i'm thinking these are write errors


if i burn at 2x very rarely any problems but img defaults to 4x even though set at 2x

log below ------------



; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Monday, 04 June 2007, 15:15:14

; \\****************************************//



I 14:59:58 ImgBurn Version started!

I 14:59:58 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 14:59:58 Total Physical Memory: 523,760 KB - Available: 224,388 KB

W 14:59:58 Drive E:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size.

I 14:59:58 Initialising SPTI...

I 14:59:58 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 14:59:58 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD

Edited by wookiee
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ImgBurn doesn't default to anything... 4x and 8x are the only speeds your drive supports on that media.


Verify your burns and then you'll be able to tell if the drive is burning the discs ok.


Other than that, we can't really help you with whatever these black lines are. It's impossible to imagine such a thing, and it's certainly nothing to do with any software.

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ImgBurn doesn't default to anything... 4x and 8x are the only speeds your drive supports on that media.


Verify your burns and then you'll be able to tell if the drive is burning the discs ok.


Other than that, we can't really help you with whatever these black lines are. It's impossible to imagine such a thing, and it's certainly nothing to do with any software.


thanks for fast reply

just thought as someone else was having the same or similar problem it might have been a bug , it some times happens with nero so you got me thinking it might be a problem with hardware


thanks for info i'll try verifying on next burn


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