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Plz help me determine correct layerbreak


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I'm having some issues burning a few ISOs to DVD that don't have an MDS file. I'm not a real expert at this so I was hoping some people could help me determine what the best layerbreak is and possibly even why:




Thanks very much for your suggestions.


Kind regards,


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I would choose any of the 50/50 ones green ones. I would pick 1906449->1975248 vts_05


But I am no expert Blutach however will be spot on with his choice and advice


It seems a little strange that the start time for that vts is 00:00:00




But I am not fluent in dual layer burning other than everything I have tried works.


I will be waiting for Blutach to tell me why not to choose the one I would be Tempted to pick.

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See I didn't even realise the images were from 2 dvd's. It looked to me like 1 DVD layerbreak info split into 2 images :D


And I can see its chapter 1 now LOL


Now I just need to figure out why Onion Rings are named as such ?


Hard to type from the corner.

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Thank you very much all. Yes, sorry for the confusion; these are 2 screenshots for 2 different DVDs.


One is in VIDEO_TS folder format, the other is an ISO without MDS file.


Okay, so I should always pick the .IFO file as my layerbreak. Thank you kindly for your answeres. I'm glad I asked because I burned one of the movies and obviously selected the wrong layerbreak. I will reburn that movie.


I thought (incorrectly so it seems) that all that "N/A" info was bad so I didn't select that. But I will admit I don't know a toot about layerbreaks. That's where IMGBurn comes in handy. I really love this app, LightningUK. Once I heard it can do "builds" as well, I was sold.


Thanks again for all your answers and input.



(Oh and it's the first cell in the pgc, it can't start at anything other than 00:00:00 lol)


Sorry LightingUK. I'm not sure I understand. If you would care to elaborate just a tiny bit, I would appreciate it. Perhaps point me to some (short) reading. But from what you have said the "blue stars" in the first screen and the "silver" star in the second screen would be incorrect options because the don't have 00:00:00 listed for starting time? Thanks again.


With kind regards,


Edited by eNuffSaid
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Oh and it's the first cell in the pgc, it can't start at anything other than 00:00:00 lol)


his response was at my stupidy for me saying it looked a little strange that vts5 started at 00:00:00


I had missed that it was pgc1 cell 1 chapter 1 vc/id 1/1

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Okay. Thanks


But he did say "it can't start at anything other than 00:00:00". But it was also suggested to pick the *.IFO file as your layerbreak. But for those selections the "start time" is not available. I'm trying to figure out how that goes together.


Mind you, I have no knowledge of this. I'm not looking to become a layerbreak adept, but I would like to pick the correct layerbreak from the options presented, and understand why. I burn quite a few DVD9s and I'd like to burn good copies.


Thank you kindly,


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Well the time is the playback time.


An IFO doesn't have a playback time, it's not played! Only a cell (that's part of a chapter / pgc etc) gets played, and hence has a time associated with it.


If you split at a file, there's no chance of you noticing it during playback - because nothing is being played.


The same goes for if you select a cell that the first cell in any pgc (so long as it's not used in the middle of any other pgcs) - you'd typically spot this by looking at the LBA values. Multiple entries with the same LBA (before the -> arrow), means they're the same thing. If it's cell 1 in one pgc but cell 10 in another, keep looking for better alternatives.

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Thank you Mr. Lightning. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this. Your response makes it a lot clearer. Thank you again for your assistance and for you WONDERFULL imgburn program. I've just convinced my colleagues to install ImgBurn on our "burn station" at work.


I salute you and wish you a good weekend. THANK YOU!


Kind regards,

Willem Moolenaar

(aka eNuffSaid)

The Netherlands

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