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Would Like A Basic Procedure

Lee Thomas

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Over the past few weeks I have been forced to leave behind my ICopyDVDs2 and DVDXcopy, which have worked great for 2-3 years. Now neither will burn a copy of DVD movies. I realize encrypting has changed, apparently outdating the above software.

In reading the various comments on focus groups, I become quite confused on how to now copy DVD movies. The various terms of build, write, encode, ISO etc have me in circles. I am after a simple guide to follow in order to take a commercial purchased DVD movie, and create a backup copy. Is there such a basic guide? Can anyone list the general steps to follow?

I have IMG, Nero, DVDFab Decrypt, 1Click DVD, dvdshrink, and probably some others.

I generally have followed this procedure (with little in results): 1. DVDFab decrypt, which creates a group of files on my hd. 2. DVDShrink, since that hd file is always larger that the 4.7 blank dvd disc. The burn using NERO is not working. Then if I don't choose to burn with NERO, I really dont even know where the file goes.

Then I have been unable to go much further with positive results. Help!

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