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how to truncate video?


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I'm a new ImgBurn user trying to read a DVD with media errors. I can read 75% of the video before it hits bad sectors. I've configured ImgBurn to skip errors but it is still taking too long since it seems that all the remaining sectors have errors and ImgBurn must try to read each one until it times out. It's been running for 2 days now and it hasn't progressed very far through the errored sectors.


This is a home video and I would like to salvage as much as possible. Is there a way to simply truncate the DVD to eliminate the bad sectors so that ImgBurn can read it and create a burnable image?


Thanks in advance...

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Have you also set Software Retries, and possibly Hardware Retries, to 0?

Have you tried other programs, like IsoBuster or IsoPuzzle, to try and salvage what's readable?

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Have you also set Software Retries, and possibly Hardware Retries, to 0?

Have you tried other programs, like IsoBuster or IsoPuzzle, to try and salvage what's readable?


Yeah, I tried setting software and hardware retries to 0 but it would still spend approximately 1 minute trying to read each sector. After 2 days of trying, it only skipped over a couple of thousand sectors with much more remaining and then it seemed to finally give up and become idle. I took your suggestion and am currently trying IsoPuzzle. IsoPuzzle seems to be skipping over the errors much faster; hopefully, it will do the trick.


Please allow me to tap your expertise one more time. I'm currently using DVDshrink to combine a number of video clips onto a single DVD. I would like to be able to edit the video and add music and/or commentary. Can you or anyone else make any recommendations for some decent quality, easy to use, and most importantly free video editing software that would allow me to do this?


Thanks again,



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