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Auto Playback (Noobie)


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I am new to Imgburn, so please bear with me.


I have just made the switch from Nero to Imgburn, and burnt my 1st disc (converted .avi movie to .mds (I think) in build mode, then used"write" function, and the dvd plays a treat) ! - not juttery or out of sync like nero !


My question is though, I was wondering if it is possible to remove the main "menu" when I put disc into my dvd player ?


Is it possible to get movie just to play directly when disc is inserted, i.e: can I remove the front menu at all.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've had a brief look in the "settings" of Imgburn, but all a bit confusing at this stage.


Kind Regards......


Sean Daly !! :unsure:

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Welcome to ImgBurn Forum.


ImgBurn is not a DVD authoring tool. But what you want can be easily accomplished with PgcEdit's Jump to PGC Upon DVD Insert function. Guide on the site (written by a total nincompoop). Simply select the main movie (and not the menu) and follow the guide.


Then burn with ImgBurn.


Or, you can live with it and just press the play movie button :)



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Thank You Blutach for the info....


Having burnt my film, it has also changed the aspect ratio of the film as well, i,e: the black bars have gone, and the picture has been stretched !


Do I need a different program to keep the aspect ratio of the original film as well then ?


Sorry about this......


Sean !!

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How did this happen? No commercial DVD would have this unless someone has played with the DAR. Fix it in PgcEdit. Select any title in the affected VTS, Ctrl-A and change it to 16:9 automatic letterbox.


I see you got this from an AVI. You really should have got it from a DVD. If you downloaded it, that is illegal and I can't help you.



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