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I/O error when burning DVD-R DL Disc


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Hi, I have a problem when trying to burn an ISO onto my DL disc. i dont really know what it means and how to solve it. hopefull u guys can help me please. thanks.




Current Profile: DVD-R DL


Disc Information:

Status: Incomplete

Erasable: No

Free Sectors: 4,155,840

Free Space: 8,511,160,320 bytes

Free Time: 923:33:15 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 4x



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Welcome to ImgBurn Forum.


1. Try unticking "Perform OPC before write" in Tools --> Settings --> Write


I 18:58:22 Destination Media Type: DVD-R DL (Disc ID: MKM 03RD30) (Speeds: 4x)

2. Using -R DL is very unwise as the layer break is very hard to set correctly (and even harder on your game, which requires the break in a certain position). Change to Verbatim 2.4x +R DL - MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore. This is essential.


I 18:58:22 Destination Device: [1:0:0] SONY DVD RW DRU-810A 1.0a (E:) (ATA)

3. Update your firmware - http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2179



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