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locked program, mid burn


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my burns are locking up and locking my drive and will not allow me to shut down. I have to reset in order to eject unfinished disk. It has happened in both dvd and data cd (game backup) By the way I love my quotes!


Back to prob....has cost uncounted discs..and is a general pain in the....uh neck! I can click anything in the window and every thing seems to work except the burn and I cannot close it. I even downloaded it again and installed again..and I donated $20.00..does that count??


Thank you



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Sorry dumb as dirt and just as old..figured it out..bad discs...still don't under stand how to back up a game..my original disc are getting bad...

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Sorry dumb as dirt and just as old..figured it out..bad discs...still don't under stand how to back up a game..my original disc are getting bad...



As you know which games and which format (pc/xbox/xbox360/wii) try searching google

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