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New ImgBurn user and like what I see so far. I've been waisting DL discs like skeet targets at an olympic shooting competition. I've got several DL burners including one BR burner. I've been trying to find the correct setting to burl DL disks that will aloow me to bun a single WMV file that is over 4GB, most of them right at the DL's capacity. My attempts usually work till you get to the end of the file and it chokes on copying or playing. All I need to do is copy them back to a PC and play directly from my xbox 360 DVD drive.


I do know that UDF only burning is not working. I've found explanations of what the UDF revisions mean but not really how it impacts readability. So I'm off to waste some more disks. Oh, I've got 3 brands of disks also.



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Use UDF 1.02 (it's the older and the most compatible of the revisions) and try with Verbatim DVD+R DLs 2.4x MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore blanks, as they're known for giving the best results on most burners. On Samsung burners (maybe others brands too) you get better results burning them at 4x.

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Use UDF 1.02 (it's the older and the most compatible of the revisions) and try with Verbatim DVD+R DLs 2.4x MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore blanks, as they're known for giving the best results on most burners. On Samsung burners (maybe others brands too) you get better results burning them at 4x.


Yup, trying that now. Don't have any verbatim media, will pick some up tomorrow.



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