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For the widest possible compatibility with various Os's (xp, vista, linux, mac) for data dvds what would be the better choice of file systems. I might of thought

ISO9660 Joliet, but I notice Imgburn is choosing ISO9660 UDF. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to selecting all three (ISO9660+ Joliet+UDF)?


I was told to use all 3 file systems, for UDF use revision 1.20, you could also check my posts, one in particular where I discuss this sort of thing with other forum members, I made a post called 31 character for file data names, or you could type in Sossity in the search box & my posts will come up, there you can open the one about 31 character file names & see other forum members responses to my similar questions.




Joliet is handy if you're burning avi / mp3 (as data, not audio) for use in a standalone dvd video player. They tend to not support UDF for anything other than proper DVD Video discs - so if you don't then have Joliet on the disc, it can only use ISO9660 and that's limited (by the specs) to very short file names - typically 8.3 characters (i.e. XXXXXXXX.YYY).

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