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archives of my home movies


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I have home movies that are finished complete with chapters & menus that I made with Roxio easymedia creator 7.0, I have them saved as ISO files on my external hard drive, I saved 2 ISO files of each movie, 1 in NTSC format & 1 in PAL format, I would now like to archive/burn them to some Taiyo Yuden DVD-Rs, what is the best format to archive my movies in? NTSC or PAL? or should I burn 2 discs per movie, 1 in NTSC & 1 in PAL? also can I use image burn to burn my Roxio created ISO files to the Taiyo Yudens or would I be better off using Roxio to burn the ISO files to discs? since I used Roxio to make the movies? If I use image burn for writng the ISO to discs what is the best write speed to use? are there any other settings I should use to optimize my burns? If I use Roxio to burn the ISO files what is the best read & write speeds to use?


I also used Roxios disc copier to copy one disc to another, I used 8x, it also has 12x, these were the 2 write times someone advised to me for burning my material to discs. what is the best speed to choose for this?




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We support ImgBurn and not Roxio, so for those questions.....contact them.


As far as PAL or NTTSC, what do you normally use in wherever you live and do you send discs to foreign countries that use a format other than yours?


ImgBurn will burn your Roxio created ISO's just fine.



Leave ImgBurn on default and you'll be optimized as far as you need to be.



Use whatever speed you can make a good copy with, only you know what media you're using..... :unsure:

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