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Hope someone can help! I've searched the Forum and can't quite find anything similar to this so i'm posting to see if there's something simple i'm missing!


I've burnt several hundred Verbatim DVD +R Non-Printable 16x discs with IMGBURN over the past year or so and had very few problems. The drive is an internal Lite-On LH-20A1P running the latest firmware release 0P.


I just decided to move to Verbatim DVD +R Printable 16 x discs (code 43512).


My first 10 burns have each completed the burn cycle, then cycled the drive tray as normal, then failed with "L-EC Uncorrectable Error" from Sector 0.


The code etched in the center hold of the disc is: PAPA28LH221816 ... On the back of the disc hole is etched ZD9575-DVR-T47D.


I have tried burning at 12x and 16x with the same result. Going back and burning a Non-Printable DVD+R works just fine.


I have compared the log files and the only difference I can see is that, on the verification, the failed Printable DVD+R burn reads the Source Disk as type DVD+RW. On the successful burn, the Non-Printable DVD+R is read as a DVD+R Source Disk. This I think is somewhat strange - is the Printable disc somehow being written to differently?


The failed disks are not readable in any PC drive or DVD Player.


I enclose the logs from both burns.






I 16:39:35 ImgBurn Version started!

I 16:39:35 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

I 16:39:35 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,696 KB - Available: 1,148,844 KB

I 16:39:35 Initialising SPTI...

I 16:39:35 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 16:39:45 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW and 1 DVD


Try turning off the 'DVD+R Reserve Track' option in the settings (on the Write tab).


It's not an option that should be causing a problem but tiny problems with some drives (all liteon's from what I've seen) make the DVD+R come out like DVD+RW for some reason.

That said, where I've seen this problem before, other drives can normally read the disc just fine. It's only the liteon burner that has a problem initialising the disc properly and reading it back.


It's the drive that's messing up here, not ImgBurn itself - I just want to make that clear!

It's the drive that's messing up here, not ImgBurn itself - I just want to make that clear!


I hear you! Thanks for responding so fast.


The option is already unchecked. It's strange that two discs that are ostensibly the same (Verbatim DVD+R 16x) produce the different result. Is there an option to force a specific format for the disc that I might use?


Take a look on the packaging and see if they're made in the same country. Maybe you've got some from Singapore and some from India or something. The ones from Singapore are probably what the drive's firmware is setup for. Tweaks might be required for discs from other countries where the dye is ever so slightly different.


You can't 'force' anything, the drive does what it thinks is best.


The printables are from Taiwan but I don't have the packaging from the few non-printables I have left.


So it looks like I misspoke earlier! I can get a disk burned in this way to play on a SONY DVD player, and on several PC disk drives, but not on the LITE-ON, I was sure it wasn't working earlier!


I think I need a new burner as its probably cheaper than binning the 100 discs I just bought. Any recommendations (not LITE-ON ... :whistling: )

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