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Unusual ISO burn problem...


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I have been making copies of my DVD's for ages and have usually been able to sort out any problems I have by researching, but I am having a new problem on my new computer and I can't find it mentioned anywhere in any forums.


Basically when I use IMGBURN to write an ISO image of a movie to a disc the process apears to go fine, the logs look fine and it takes the usual amount of time. However the DVD's won't play in my Sony DVD player or my cheapy divx dvd player (its a maya 602). They WILL play in my computer however.


Here is the bit that is really confussing me. when you look at the back of the disc only 2-3mm from the inside of the disc is burned on. But the whole movie is there when I play it on my computer - how is that even possible???? the ISO file was over 4GB. Surely it has to use up at least 90% of the dvd surface to even fit? (!)


I am using Sony DVD+R discs.


Any help appreciated

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Hi and welcome to the forum, trenton24! :)


If you are using the same brand of media as with your older burner and you now can't play them on the standard alone player, it sounds as either you applied book type setting on your previous burns or that the burns that the current burner produces are not good in quality.


You could post a log from one of your burns and/or do a scan of the burned disc with Nero DiscSpeed's scan disc function.



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Thanks for the Reply,


I am not sure what the problem was, but I upgraded the firmware in my burner and restarted and now it all works, just like on my old system (only Faster - yeah!)


Perhaps I had seleted book type by mistake....



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