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New Slant--Illegal Mode for This Track??


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I've been struggling with the above error. I've read most/all the posts and they all seem to point the blame at drive and/or media.


My issue and some additional troubleshooting has found the following which suggests it might not be.......


I've been making a backup of a 5 disc set. 4 of the 5 discs have made perfect copies (no errors in reading to create the ISO image and no errors burning or verifying to media.


One disc had proved problematice. The Illegal Mode for this Track error appears at the exact same place every time. This was actually DISC3 and I went on to do DISC4 and DISC5 without problems. The program and media have also worked flawlessly on other source material.


I tried creating the image from files (in the VIDEO_TS) folder and ended up with the same results.


I then used DVD Shrink to only slightly compress the original files from 100% to about 95%, thinking perhaps it was too long, or the L0 was too long (don't really understand the mechanics here, but thought it made sense). I have the exact same error at a point severl thousand sectors earlier (which I read as a completely different area of the media).


So, if I'm seeing the same error on the same file, but at a different/earlier sector that on previous attempts doesn't generate an error, doesn't that somehow point to the file itself or something related to it?



I did note that the split seems to occur at the same place, even though I made the new image smaller. I'm not sure how to select another split.




I 23:16:50 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:16:50 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 23:16:50 Total Physical Memory: 2,096,364 KB - Available: 1,060,432 KB

W 23:16:50 Drive K:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size.

I 23:16:50 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:16:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:16:51 Found 1 DVD

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That's LG drives' way of saying that it couldn't read the sector (I have several of their drives and everytime I got that error was a scratched/dirty disc or a bad burn) and yes, even though you don't think so, it's down to the media used. This is exactly the problem with poor quality media: inconsistent quality. A firmware update could improve burn quality of that media, but I didn't find any for your burner :(


Buy a few Verbatim DVD+R DL 2.4x MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore blanks and test on them. If they also fail then your burner is defective. If they work, well, then you know what was the problem :)

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