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Pre set layer break on DVD+R DL aint working


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So this is my very first thread,and my first try on the ImgBurn program.


The main reason for trying this program was that Nero didn`t get around the problem with burning a DL DVD.The DVD is set up from using vob files.


I enter this Nero log just to show the problem(just to fully show what I found).I`m a tech noob so bare with me.


0 Data Zone Capacity set to 2023920 (1EE1F0h, 3952MB) -> ERROR, capacity different:

L0 Data Zone Capacity on disc: 2086912 (1FD800h, 2038MB)

L0 Data Zone Capacity requested to be set: 2023920 (1EE1F0h, 3952MB)





I`m using the guide called "Creating a double layer ISO on your hard drive using ImgBurn"


All is fine up to the point of creating the layer break position. I only get one cell option,and it`s only rated "Good" on legend.I personaly not think it`s very good at all,it`s clear as day and actually during a song.When seeing the "Create the layer break position " picture in the guide it made me belive the program would give me many cell choices to pick from?Again I only get one choice,and this pre set layer break is not working in Imgburn or Nero.




The log



; ImgBurn Version - Log

; mandag, 04 august 2008, 20:24:12

; \\****************************************//



I 20:19:11 ImgBurn Version started!

I 20:19:11 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 20:19:11 Total Physical Memory: 1

Edited by FROSTY
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I 20:21:22 Destination Device: [0:1:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.86 (F:) (ATA)

I 20:21:22 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66)

The burner doesn't support the media you're trying to use (notice it doesn't show any Supported Write Speeds). Get Verbatim DVD+R DL 2.4x MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore blanks and it should work :)


The best firmware for that burner seems to be 2.1B so you might want to try that too if you know what you're doing ;)

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I 20:21:22 Destination Device: [0:1:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.86 (F:) (ATA)

I 20:21:22 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66)

The burner doesn't support the media you're trying to use (notice it doesn't show any Supported Write Speeds). Get Verbatim DVD+R DL 2.4x MKM-001-00 Made in Singapore blanks and it should work :)


The best firmware for that burner seems to be 2.1B so you might want to try that too if you know what you're doing ;)



Thanks for the fast responce.


Where exactly in the log do you see that my burner doesn`t support the media?

The only mentioned write speed I see in the log is what I chose for burning of the DVD (2x).When using Nero the burner doesn`t show any info regarding supported writing types,just what it can read.From the Nero list I shouldn`t be able to burn a single layer DVD`s or even CD`s.But all this I can do without breaking a sweat.


And I DON`t know what I`m doing,so I don`t think I have the guts to try the firmware you mentioned.



But I did find some Verbatine DVD+R Dl AZO 2.4 X made in Singapore.

I didn`t find the code called MKM-001-00.

I did find this: DVD+R Specification Part 2, Volume 1, Version 1.0

Is this the same type ,better or worse?


All in all :Is this the good stuff?


Talk to me as I`m a total noob,borderline insane.

Edited by FROSTY
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When the burner supports the media it informs the available write speeds, like this:

I 23:45:52 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2,4x; 4x; 6x; 8x)

Your burner did fins the Media ID code (RITEK-S04-66) but it didn't inform any available write speeds, which indicates that the burner doesn't have support for it.


Those Verbatim DVD+R DL AZO 2.4x Made in Singapore you found are the ones to get. When you put one in your burner the Media ID MKM-001-00 will be shown, along with the Supported Write Speeds, on the Information pane of ImgBurn :)

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When the burner supports the media it informs the available write speeds, like this:

I 23:45:52 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: MKM-001-00) (Speeds: 2,4x; 4x; 6x; 8x)

Your burner did fins the Media ID code (RITEK-S04-66) but it didn't inform any available write speeds, which indicates that the burner doesn't have support for it.


Those Verbatim DVD+R DL AZO 2.4x Made in Singapore you found are the ones to get. When you put one in your burner the Media ID MKM-001-00 will be shown, along with the Supported Write Speeds, on the Information pane of ImgBurn :)



Again thanks for your answers,and the Verbatim DVD+R DL AZO 2.4x worked like a charm.


Wholy batshit I`m now the owner of a selfmade DL DVD.


God I love this program.

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