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Need help with when to update IFO/BUP files


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Please bare with me and read the whole text through,I need your help today.


I first tried to burn a DL DVD using another DVD burn program.The end result was when watching the movie the DVD could never get past the layer change,the DVD spun forever and said search,I can still push the DVD player to get past the layer change but I have to press Forward on the remote contoll a long time.


So then I tried to use the ImgBurn


As someone before me had some issues with getting the ImgBurn to burn this ISO,the DVD creator have released a new set of files that had to be inserted into the VIDEO_TS folder as a fix.The fix is about changing the layer break position,the very same problem I had with Nero burned DVD.


So after unpacking the orginal ISO file and put all the fix files into the folder it was time to create a new ISO file.The instructions for the fix mentioned something about having to make sure to click on the "Don't update IFO/BUP files" during the making of a new ISO/DVD.


My main consern is WHEN to use/select the "Don't update IFO/BUP files".


This choice can be selected when I make a new ISO file.The problem is that this choice is also a option in the setup when creating a DVD using a ISO file.


So my question is:When is the right time to use this option?



Is this the correct way?

I create a new ISO file and NOT USING the "Don't update IFO/BUP files" option

Then I create a DVD with the ISO file,this time I USE "Don't update IFO/BUP files".?


Or is it the other way around?



Please tell me if my badly explained way of writing mess up your heads too much.

Edited by FROSTY
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You don't need to create an ISO image before burning it to a disc: follow this guide and you'll burn the files directly to the disc :)


As I didn`t find any replies on my thread when I came back home after work,I went about making myself a DVD .I thought:"Just trim the fat off,make it easy".


I`m sorry to having taken up some of your time to answer the thread,as I fixed it myself.The reason I made this thread was because I initially was somewhat reluctant to try to make the DVD as I feared just ending up with a bunch of faulty DVD`s.


But after growing some balls and actually using the fix files, I then used the (IFO/BUP/VOB) files and selected the "Don't update IFO/BUP files" option before burning it.The burn ran as smooth as the finest silk,the layer break is now fixed and the DVD is fullly working.

Edited by FROSTY
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