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playback problem, please help!


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Well, I'm a newbie, and I'm having some trouble with my dvd playback. I'm basically trying to make a backup copy of a movie, because I watch it a lot and I've had to replace it before - nothing illegal, just want to clear that up. Anyway, I used the DVD Decrypter to copy the video_ts folder to my hard drive, not going to go into detail cause that's against the rules, but it worked smoothly. Then, I used ImgBurn to create the dvd (I followed a guide for this), and it seemed to go fairly well. Then, I tried to play it in my Dvd player, and it skipped and jumped and the picture was all scrambled. I looked online and followed the suggestion of using a slower write speed, which I did, the slowest one (1x), and it worked a little better but not much better. I'm using what seems to be a recommended/popular blank dvd-r as well, a Verbatim 8x single layer, but my hard drive is a little old. I also tried several different movies to see if that might be the problem, but I'm still getting the same results. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, and I tried a few times, but mostly it just seems like I'm wasting dvds, time, and money.


You guys ask for the logs a lot, so here's the most recent:

; //****************************************\\

; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Sunday, 14 September 2008, 00:11:24

; \\****************************************//



I 00:11:17 ImgBurn Version started!

I 00:11:17 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 00:11:17 Total Physical Memory: 1,015,328 KB - Available: 574,888 KB

I 00:11:17 Initialising SPTI...

I 00:11:17 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 00:11:17 Found 1 DVD

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