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Can not write ISO file


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Ok.. I have used image burn many times before w/ DVDflick.. but for some reason.. I did a system restore and reinstalled Dvdflick w/ image burn but its not working.. Here is the problem


DvdFlick converts the files perfectly to MPEG-4.. then when Image burn kicks in and builds the files to the disk..that works fine.. Its the next step that seems to fail... When the imageburn screen loads up to write the ISO file to the disk, the "write" option can not be started... It says something like disk already has file or something among those lines. If I eject the disk from this point.. the movie is playing on the disk..but there is no audio! Are there some settings that need to be changed.. Hope this was pretty detailed.. I will explain more in detail when I get home and can post the LOG.. thanks HOpe you guys have an answer!

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