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Setting Book Type help

SOAPY taco

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So I want to backup Naruto:CoN for the Wii because its pretty scratched up and when I load the iso up and go to change the book type (I have a TSST so I use the samsung tab) and when I try to change the book type this happens


It is a success but when I use Gecko os it doesn't work and the red square makes me wonder if it works.

Edited by SOAPY taco
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Welcome to the forum, SOAPY taco! :)


Your writer is showing up as connected (Fibre) - how is the BIOS set up - as IDE?

Thanks for the quick reply! I went to the second driver in my BIOS (the cd drive) and after then I got lost. Can you please give me a walkthrough or advice?

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The "No way to query current setting!" message is normal for Samsung (TSSTcorp) burners, as Samsung, in all their wisdom, decided not to include that feature in their firmwares :rolleyes:


In that dialog you took the screenshot from, click the Change button and if it says Success then you're good to go :thumbup:

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