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Im sure verbatims have been engineered with the purpose of playing in a dvd player or game console in mind.


But there are obviously other opportunities to burn successful dvds.



If I need a long lasting copy, I will get myself some verbatim.

But if I'm just going to back up my games and avoid ware and tare, then I'll keep in mind that some off the shelf brands work to.



You know you ignored everything you were told. You have replaced Crappy media with just as Crap media and have been lucky to get your media to let alone burn but play/work.


When you burn data onto poor media any device reading that data has to re-read data over n over to correct it lower rpm re-re-focus laser and wear and tear happens on a bigger scale than it would on good media where the burn quality was higher / better.


(you may have gotten a decent burn, only a PI-PO scan with jitter enabled will show that using dvdinfopro)


You simply with the

But there are obviously other opportunities to burn successful dvds.
comment has shown that you lack the skill of listening which seems arrogant saying as you asked for help but ignored the help offered and then debate about it slyly with your comment
But there are obviously other opportunities to burn successful dvds.
my kinda post/comment really :)


Good luck with your xbox rom drive lasting with your strategy


Buy some Verbatim MIS 2.4x MKM-001-00 treat yourself and your xbox 360 rom drive

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