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Newbie with drive backup question?


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I am a brand new user of the Image Burn program, so please excuse me, if this question has been asked many times or I have missed, the relevant bit in any of the extensive guides provided, I have had a look at them, but still come to a dead end.


Having recently been taken out by a virus and having spend a day formating and reinstalling all my software, because I didn't have a workable back up, that really is all I want to achive.


I have one phisical hard drive (80Gb) I have it partitioned into 3 x 25Gb C:\ D:\ E:\


I am only using about 9Gb of drive C:\ and I wish to create a backup ISO of this to drive E:\


My attempt so far came up with a calculation of about 5Gb in size so I'm guessing I have not quite got it right yet. Also I was getting "file can't be copied as it is in use" errors of files like pagefile.sys etc.


Basically I am just after a noddy guide to back up my 9Gb's to another partition and or DVD(s)?


Can anyone help?


Thanks Image burn new guy. :)

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