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Directshow Error/Digital Silence


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I've read the following topics:






I have the same issue as described in those posts, and I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 SP1.


I've tried adding the file from another computer in my home that runs XP Pro SP2. I added it both to system32 and sysWOW64 and regsvr32ed the file but to no avail. I wasn't able to find the latest version (1.9xx) of that .ax file since all the links in the aforementionned topics were dead links and Google proved to be useless. Can you send me the updated .ax file, or do you think the problem lies somewhere else? Do you need me to post logs?


Thank you

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Ok, I didn't really want to see the graph file, I just wanted you to look at it and see which filters were being pulled in. :)


Anyway, I can see it goes...


Source -> MPEG-I Stream Splitter -> Arcsoft Audio Decoder HD -> Default DirectSound Device


From that I can only assume the Acrsoft Audio Decoder HD filter is causing the problem.


Use 'DirectShow Filter Manager' to change the 'Merit' on that filter to a lower level - so a different filter gets pulled in instead - and hopefully that one will work.



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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for bumping this up, have been pretty busy with school...


Finally got InstalledCodec to work (actually it did work the first time but I didn't realize that because it changed ArcSoft Audio Decoder HD to ArcSoft Effect Decoder HD when I disabled the former but I misread) and with the help for GraphEdit I disabled all the codecs that caused Img-Burn to error me: the two mentionned above, all versions of Franhoffer, another generic one. Finally, "MP3 Decoder DMO" is the one that worked (it shows up in green in GE for some reason). Now, I just want to make sure that won't break anything in my other applications, since I've disabled 4-5 MP3 codecs (so far so good in video games and in my foobar2k).


This might be useful if someone has a similar issue and is searching the forums!


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction UK! and great program too :)

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