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burning a double layer or dual layer disc


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I have been burning discs on three different home computers for the last two years. These are movie dvds and I have been using Ridata 16x printables. I would say that in doing about 100 to 150 a month I get maybe one bad one every two months.

Now I have decided to get in to the double layer process to put more on one disc. I first purchase dvd - RDL. I quickly found out that these are no good because none of my burners supports them. So I got + rDL and I went into Nero and burned the first one. It verified and plays well. I burned another and and it worked. When I went to burn more they all are failing verification. So I got imgburn and burned some with it. I think I got one good one but all the rest fail. I have to do more checking but one of the ones that failed seems to play fine in the computer. Or at least I can not find the problem, it has 8 hours of video on it.


My question is; should I just forget the idea of using dl discs? I see where it takes 30 minutes to burn and if you are only going to get one or two good ones out of twenty they are very expensive.


I am wondering if I should some how go into the video and try to set a layer break in the editing process? Would that help?

I tried to burn a image of the video files and that completed successfully but when I tried to burn that it failed.

I will attach my log files


I think the first one I am showing is a failed burn of video files.


; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Friday, 23 January 2009, 21:19:35

; \\****************************************//



I 19:16:19 ImgBurn Version started!

I 19:16:19 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)

I 19:16:19 Total Physical Memory: 2,095,596 KB - Available: 1,569,340 KB

I 19:16:19 Initialising SPTI...

I 19:16:19 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 19:16:19 Found 1 DVD

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Try burning at 4x and see how it turns out. Are those Verbatim blanks? Where are they made?



They are verbatim and the package says made in Singapor and the info part of Imgburn says MKM-001-00.


The first successful one I burned in Nero was at 4x and then when I had trouble I went down to 2.4. I will try some at 4x.


I also found a bad spot on the ones I have burned. It is not at the layer break and it seems that by moving the movie slider around I can find the layer break on the dvd. It plays fine on both sides of it. The problem is earlier in the movie not at a menu or anything fancy just a scene where the movie gets jerky and then freezes up. Thanks for the help. Doug

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I tried it a 4x and got the failed message again.


Also I notice that in imgburn the program goes through the whole process and acts like it is doing great and then in verify the program says fail. But when you take the disc out and look at it it is obvious that the disc failed way earlier and did not make it to the end. It looks like the lazer got stuck have way and burnt grooves in the disc.

Nero at least burns the thing and it is truly burnt and it plays but does not pass verification. Doug


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Success at last !


Thanks for the help. I went from using a dual core athalon with 2 gigs of ram and a liteon drive to an old 1100 mhz computer with 512 megs and a samsung drive. I now seem to be able to burn them with out trouble. I think it is the samsung drive that is working. I was able to update the firmware in the samsung with something recent. The liteon's that I have don't have any updates available for the firmware and they were purchase a few years ago.

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