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As stated in the topic...

Does imgburn have the capability of burning blu-ray discs?

And also do I need a blu-ray drive in my desktop to play blu-ray discs?

This may sound stupid...I apologize...but I just wanna know considering that I don't have a blu-ray drive in my pc and

Am planning to burn blu-ray disc if possible...

Thank you

And also do I need a blu-ray drive in my desktop to play blu-ray discs?


Yes you do. Blu-ray are a totally different format. (You can't play a DVD in a CD player, can you?) :)


What if I download a blu-ray movie 780p on my desktop

and I have a DVD-ROM and not blu-ray one..

would I be able to watch it then?

or do I still need Blu-Ray drive And a compatible monitor to watch it or no?


You should be able to watch the 780/1080 mkv and you can convert it with DVD Flick to watch on your big TV.

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