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Blank Disc but program says successful


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I'm hoping someone can look at this log and see if anything is out of the ordinary. I am new to burning and was helping my son out. He had TDK brand disks which I discovered are not very good CMC Magnetics. I ordered some Verbatim but while I wait the shipment is there any suggestions, other than the media, to why the burn indicates success but nothing is burned to the disk. See log below:


; //****************************************\\

; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Sunday, 15 February 2009, 16:04:25

; \\****************************************//



I 15:36:48 ImgBurn Version started!

I 15:36:48 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium x64 Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

I 15:36:48 Total Physical Memory: 4,191,728 KB - Available: 2,100,944 KB

I 15:36:49 Initialising SPTI...

I 15:36:49 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 15:37:14 Found 1 DVD

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What did it say when you aborted the verify? There's no issue actually being logged so it's hard to say.


*something* has been burnt as the booktype is now DVD-ROM rather than DVD+R.


Thanks for the quick response. I didn't abort the verify so it must have done this on it's own. I assumed the DVD was still blank as if I put it back in to attempt another burn it indicates "empty" in the status column. When you mention the book type setting I assumed that was a configuration setting as every log file has that indication. Are you saying it is what the program is getting from the disk? I'm sorry but I am not very knowledgeable on this topic.


Also, on another note, I read something about Upper and Lower filter settings in the registry can cause problems. Do you think this is worth looking into or not? I'm going back to his house tomorrow and wanted to have game plan on things to try until I can try different media. Should I try a lower burn speed? The disk say there are 16X but image burn indicates they are 8X maximum and that is also the rating of the burner. I have tried the MAX setting and 8X. It's puzzling as every time it indicates the burn is successful but I can't seem to see any data on the disk and it doesn't play in the DVD player.


Thanks for all your assistance.

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Put that disc back in the drive and copy + paste everything from the disc info panel on the right.


You can paste the filter drive info too whilst you're at it - use the option in the 'Tools' menu.


Hopefully switching to Verbatims will do the trick but updating the firmware is always a good idea.

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Put that disc back in the drive and copy + paste everything from the disc info panel on the right.


You can paste the filter drive info too whilst you're at it - use the option in the 'Tools' menu.


Hopefully switching to Verbatims will do the trick but updating the firmware is always a good idea.


Thanks, I will do that and post tomorrow. I also plan on updating the firmware. I have to wait until the Verbatim disks are shipped to try a different media. Thanks for the heads up to accessing the filter information. That's easier than accessing the registry. Do you think trying a lower burn speed is worth trying or no? I'm just trying to put a plan in place of things to try tomorrow. Should I check the verify option when burning? Any other suggestions or configuration settings would be appreciated.

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The default program settings are fine, so you don't need to change anything. Having Verify enabled ensures the disc was correctly burned, as this compares data on the disc against the source data. With Verbatim blanks it should work fine on all the available burn speeds :thumbup:

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The default program settings are fine, so you don't need to change anything. Having Verify enabled ensures the disc was correctly burned, as this compares data on the disc against the source data. With Verbatim blanks it should work fine on all the available burn speeds :thumbup:


I was able to get my son to copy and paste the information you requested and send it to me. Here is the disk information from one of the "supposed" successful burns.



Current Profile: DVD+R

Disc Information:

Status: Empty

Erasable: No

Free Sectors: 2,295,104

Free Space: 4,700,372,992 bytes

Free Time: 510:03:29 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x

Physical Format Information (ADIP):

Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00

Book Type: DVD+R

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 1

Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)

Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0

Physical Format Information (Last Recorded):

Disc ID: CMC MAG-M01-00

Book Type: DVD+R

Part Version: 1

Disc Size: 120mm

Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified

Number of Layers: 1

Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)

Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit

Track Density: 0.74 um/track

First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608

Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711

Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0


And the filter information. He has about 4 or more burning programs he installed and was trying.



Filter Driver Load Order - ImgBurn v2.4.2.0


Upper Device Filter: [None Found]

Upper Class Filter: [None Found]

Device: CD/DVD-ROM Device

Lower Class Filter: AnyDVD

Lower Device Filter: tdcmdpst

Filter Name: AnyDVD

File Name: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\AnyDVD.sys

File Version:

File Description: AnyDVD Filter Driver

Product Name: AnyDVD

Product Version:

Company Name: SlySoft, Inc.

Copyright: Copyright 2002 - 2008 SlySoft, Inc.

Filter Name: tdcmdpst

File Name:

File Version:

File Description:

Product Name:

Product Version:

Company Name:



Let me know if you see anything that is helpful.

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The default program settings are fine, so you don't need to change anything. Having Verify enabled ensures the disc was correctly burned, as this compares data on the disc against the source data. With Verbatim blanks it should work fine on all the available burn speeds :thumbup:


I have another question then. Should I leave speed to MAX or set it manually to the maximum speed of the burner/disks?

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Setting the write speed to MAX or to the highest available one won't make any difference. You can remove this:


Lower Device Filter: tdcmdpst


Can you put that burned disc in another drive and copy the information? We would like to see if a different drives sees the disc as not empty.

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Setting the write speed to MAX or to the highest available one won't make any difference. You can remove this:


Lower Device Filter: tdcmdpst


Can you put that burned disc in another drive and copy the information? We would like to see if a different drives sees the disc as not empty.


Unfortunately he doesn't have another drive and I don't have a DVD drive. I would have to see if he knows someone else that might have one to try that. What is the tdcmdpst filter and do you think removing it might help get a successful burn?

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That's odd disc info because the log says the booktype is DVD-ROM when the verify starts (this comes direct from the drive) and now that you're looking at the disc again, it's still saying DVD+R.


Look at the bottom of the disc and see if it actually looks burnt - i.e. different colours in the dye.

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That's odd disc info because the log says the booktype is DVD-ROM when the verify starts (this comes direct from the drive) and now that you're looking at the disc again, it's still saying DVD+R.


Look at the bottom of the disc and see if it actually looks burnt - i.e. different colours in the dye.


I have looked at the disks and they don't appear to be burnt. That's the puzzling part in that the program indicates the burn was successful and there appears to be nothing on the disk. My son did get a hold of another media brand to try tomorrow. I don't know what brand but I will post my results tomorrow. I'm hoping the firmware for the burner helps too.

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That's odd disc info because the log says the booktype is DVD-ROM when the verify starts (this comes direct from the drive) and now that you're looking at the disc again, it's still saying DVD+R.


Look at the bottom of the disc and see if it actually looks burnt - i.e. different colours in the dye.


I have looked at the disks and they don't appear to be burnt. That's the puzzling part in that the program indicates the burn was successful and there appears to be nothing on the disk. My son did get a hold of another media brand to try tomorrow. I don't know what brand but I will post my results tomorrow. I'm hoping the firmware for the burner helps too.


Problem solved. The new firmware didn't make a difference but the media did. I tried a Memorex which was a RITEK-F16-01 and it works fine. For some reason the burner refuses to burn the CMC ones even though Image Burn indicates the burn was successful. They are still blank. The Verbatims should be delivered tomorrow. Thanks for all the feedback.

Edited by kdog38
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Here the logs from the TDK unsuccessful burn and the same image with the Memorex:





I 11:51:24 ImgBurn Version started!

I 11:51:24 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium x64 Edition (6.0, Build 6001 : Service Pack 1)

I 11:51:24 Total Physical Memory: 4,191,728 KB - Available: 2,628,528 KB

I 11:51:24 Initialising SPTI...

I 11:51:24 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 11:51:34 Found 1 DVD

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