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Why does ImgBurn choose BIN file sometimes for creating image files?


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I use ImgBurn to backup all my software media (CDs and DVDs). I haven't put my finger on why it acts this way yet, but sometimes when I choose to create an image file it defaults to a BIN file and other times an ISO.


I can change it of course, but I always want ISO files, never BIN files. I wondered why it changes back and forth (something with the original disc structure maybe?) and if I could force it to always use ISO files and never BIN files?


Thanks in advance!

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The ISO format has a few limitations that the CUE/BIN format doesn't have (multiple tracks for example), so when ISO doesn't fit the job CUE/BIN is used. Provided that you're not going to use these images with other jurassic programs, pretty much everything supports CUE/BIN images.

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ISO is for Mode 1 / 2048 files.


BIN (with an accompanying CUE) is for everything else.


That's the way it's supposed to be (standards are standards for a reason!) and you shouldn't override it because you have some strange concept in your head that all your images should be ISO's.

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