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Imgburn & dynamic NTFS volume image files.

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Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I tried it twice and both times ImgBurn, Windows explorer, and my burner crashed bad.


Probably foolish of me, but I tried it nonetheless.


I have a dynamic NTFS volume image file made with TrueCrypt that is reported as 1.0 GB. However, there is only ~600 MB of data in the file and the file takes only ~600 MB of space on the HDD. I tried burning it onto a 700 MB CD in ISO9660 + UDF mode. It asked me if I wanted to continue since the file is larger than the disc capacity. It's NOT larger, though. It just is reported larger in explorer. I continued the burn and ImgBurn and my burner crashed bad.


Like I wrote above. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I figure that ImgBurn should be able to copy the exact bits as read off of the HDD, but...


If the API reports it as 1GB then that's how big it is.


Make an image rather than burning to disc, you'll soon find out how much of the file ImgBurn is actually able to read via the normal API commands.

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