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Sorry for being a newbee. I am using DNC to make backups copies of my DVD's. When doing so I can not play the DVD's on players except my desktop. I have read in other forums to try Imgburn and change the book type to DVD-rom but when selecting the device it does not have the model I have. (HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH15F) Is there any other compatible devices to choose from. Thank you


Hi and welcome to the forum, MNNY! :)


It's a LG writer.


If you use default settings ImgBurn should booktype your +R media by default.


Post a burning log - that will show if the book type worked.


Hi Cynthia, I am trying to change the booktype to DVD-rom with the hope to play the back up DVD's in the playstation 2 and other DVD players. When selecting LG and making the change to media all options results are Unknown(Failed) for current settings and does not except changes Reason: Invalid Command Operation Code. Is there a need to use DVD Next Copy if Imgburn works or does it work with DNC. Thanks


What's the output of nextcopy? A VIDEO_TS folder or an ISO image? Please post the log from that burn (you can find the logs in Help menu -> ImgBurn Logs).

Hi Cynthia, I am trying to change the booktype to DVD-rom with the hope to play the back up DVD's in the playstation 2 and other DVD players. When selecting LG and making the change to media all options results are Unknown(Failed) for current settings and does not except changes Reason: Invalid Command Operation Code.

Some posts on the net says it's a re badged Hitachi. I guess that's why the LG commands doesn't work.


That the burner was manufactured by Hitachi and sold under the name LG. I tried to find a book setting firmware, but I couldn't find any.

Please post the log from that burn (you can find the logs in Help menu -> ImgBurn Logs).

If you have burned a +R media, please post the log.




I guess I should keep my tin foil hat on. My brain seems to go banana every time I take it off... =))



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