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Lock-up / freezing when reading during verify

Lester Burnham

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I've used imgburn since it was released, and kept up with the versions (I'm running


Recently, I've been having issues on a new PC (using a Samsung SH-223F running the latest SB03 firmware). It doesn't occur with every burn, but in many. It occurs at the verify stage, the drive tray gets recycled and then imgburn freezes / locks-up during the reading / verify bit. It tends to have not actually read anything or made any progress, although on occasion it can do a similar trick, part way through reading the disc.


Up to that point, there's not been any read errors or verify fails or anything like that, it just seems to hang imgburn. Trying to quit imgburn doesn't affect the imgburn gui (although it seems to recognise the attempt), nor does killing the process through task manager do any good. And because it seems well and truly locked-up (although the rest of the Windows desktop - XP SP3 - responds fine), shutdowns don't progress (presumably because imgburn can't be stopped).


I have tried resetting imgburn's settings to default. And some history to the drive's firmware - going back a version, I did enable a slightly higher read rate for the drive (up to 18x), but I had a lock-up and a failed burn, so I removed that option. I currently have read and write set to max through imgburn, which would be 16x for the media I'm currently using.


The types of disc I'm burning are DVD-Video (very much in the main, anyway), and are typically DVDs I've authored myself and use imgburn in build mode to write the disk.


Because of this problem, I'm now actually using DVDDecrypter to burn (because that's what I always used to use before imgburn was released), and use imgburn to create an iso from the DVD folders (used to use imgtool classic before imgburn, for that task), which seems completely reliable.


Is there anything I can do to avoid this, or has anybody else experienced similar? I'm not so much of the belief that it's a media or hardware mismatch, as I didn't always have this problem with imgburn (only had the PC for a couple of months, and it was fine to start outwith), and DVDdecrypter seems to be very reliable for burning right now (as it always was for me, which is why I've reverted to it for the moment).


Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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