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Everything posted by fredo

  1. It's a 100 Mb home network that is not very busy at all. I access it through 54 Mb wireless but still. Something's amiss but I'm too lazy to figure out what. Could be an AV issue.
  2. Burning DVDs always took forever on my system. The latest one took 7 hours to burn and verify, clocking in at an impressive x0.3 average speed. In the course of a single burn I would get about 100 of these messages: Waiting for buffers to recover... Waiting for hard disk activity to reach threshold level... I have a new T61 so hardware can't be the issue. My system buffer is set at the max 256 MB. I tried everything I could think of, nothing doing. Then it dawned on me that my VIDEO_TS folder was located on a network drive. I copied it to my local C: drive (time: 3 hrs and 5 mn), tried again and voila, the next double layer DVD took but a mere 40 minutes to burn and verify. I thought I'd share this misadventure, at the risk of passing myself off as an idiot
  3. LUK!, The Orban codec works fine. One minor glitch was that for some reason IB didn't pick up the tags from the m4a files (it did from the mp3 files), but I entered them manually. For Vista users, codecs won't register if UAC is on and the codec installer is not a "trusted" installer. I had to register the CoreAAC codec manually, but even so it didn't work. Thanks again!
  4. LUK!, The installer installed CoreAAC.ax in C:\Windows\System32 and I restarted the system. I'm still getting the same error message though.
  5. I am getting an error creating a CUE file from a mix of m4a and mp3 files. I assume I need to add a codec that supports the m4a format, though the verbiage on the ImgBurn website seems to hint at native m4a support. Is my assumption correct, and is there a codec you could recommend? Here is the log. Thank you for your assistance, I 16:18:21 ImgBurn Version started! I 16:18:21 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic Edition (6.0, Build 6000) I 16:18:21 Total Physical Memory: 2,053,824 KB - Available: 868,244 KB I 16:18:23 Initialising SPTI... I 16:18:23 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 16:18:23 Found 1 DVD
  6. Lightning UK: I stripped off the picture and the comment, and the album burned beautifully using IB. Again, I'm interested in your feedback. Thanks, F
  7. Thank you for your response. I installed ID3-TagIT (impressive program, by the way) and the plot thickens. The tags in all the album tracks including the offending track (#7) are v2.3, not v2.4. However, track #7 contains a picture, and a comment, which the other tracks don't contain. - Attempts to display the picture cause ID3-TagIT to crash (see attached screen shot). - The comment is: "00000FB8 00001496 00003BF1 000048A6 0003F7E5 00007547 00008000 00008000 00038287 0002BF4E". Tomorrow I'll try to remove the picture and the comment and try again burning a CD with IB to see if this makes the issue go away; I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I'm curious as to what's going on but this goes beyond my sketchy knowledge of mp3s so your feedback would be greatly appreciated. F
  8. "The standard XP filters cannot handle v2.4 ID3 tags so ensure you're not using those in your files." I had that same issue. IB wrote the first six tracks of an album then choked on the 7th (log entry: "acmStreamConvert Failed! - Reason: Device handle is invalid"). I wasted 4 blanks trying various things, none of which worked. I tried to disable CD-TEXT entirely, curiously IB still failed at track 7; another blank wasted, fortunately they're cheap. Then I tried InfraRecorder. It worked beautifully. Unless I missed something, Lighting UK!'s warning to "ensure you're not using [v2.4 ID3 tags] in your files" is only valid insofar as one performs / has control over the encoding. There appears to be no way to tell whether mp3s might have been encoded using v2.4, short of trying and failing and wasting a blank. I was looking forward to using, but the bottom line is that it simply can't be used to burn audio CDs unless one has knowledge of how the files were encoded. This is a major bug. It should have been a showstopper. I'm afraid I will stick with InfraRecorder until this issue is resolved. F
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