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  1. Hi eSkRo I don't know if it can be useful, but you can customize context menus with this free (and portable) tool: FastExplorer
  2. Thank you very much LUK
  3. Hi An user at CDF mentioned an issue when using ImgBurn in build mode. When dragging a single folder in the main window, a message appear (see the pic). Clicking on the "Cancel" button, the selected folder still remain in the build compilation, but the filling bar remains to zero. The user asked what is the meaning of the cancel button then, because he is thinking that pressing Cancel will abort the operation, so nothing should appear in the build window. Is it done purposely or it is a bug? TIA
  4. Hi and thanks again for quick answer I just completed a test. The verification against ISO image file gave no errors, so I think that it's safe to burn the ISO I already use Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden discs for my important data. I was using dvdisaster because I was curious about this tool
  5. Hi Thanks for the quick answer So do you think that I can use the ISO created in Read mode to make a 1:1 copy of that disc? Or it is safer to copy files with Windows explorer and then create another disc in Build mode? Oops... I missed the new firmware... Actually I use that drive for reading only, very rarely to burn a disc
  6. Hi I just found something that confused me. I have no idea if it is a bug or I did something wrong To explain better, I'll report the exact sequence of what I did. 1) I created a data disc with ImgBurn in Build mode and I saved it as ISO file on HDD. (As can you see in the log, I used version when I created the ISO, because that was the version installed in the computer when I created the ISO) 2) I used Dvdisaster to add parity data to the ISO image. 3) I burned the "parity-containing" ISO with ImgBurn in write mode (again with version 4) I then used ImgBurn (this time I used latest version, in read mode to create an ISO from the burned DVD. 5) I was curious to check if also parity data was ripped in the ISO so I tested the ISO with Dvdisaster, and I got the following errors (see the picture). If more details are needed, let me know. The disc contains only data, not a movie (and AnyDVD or similar software were not running in the background when I created the ISO in Read mode). Can I assume that the ripped ISO contains the same files of the disc? If I want to do a copy of that disc can I burn the ISO safely or I should copy all files from the disc to HDD with Windows explorer and then burn them again with ImgBurn in build mode on a different disc? The log file of ImgBurn is the following. I 17:07:09 ImgBurn Version started!I 17:07:09 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 17:07:09 Total Physical Memory: 1.048.044 KB - Available: 507.900 KB I 17:07:09 Initialising SPTI... I 17:07:09 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 17:07:10 Found 1 DVD
  7. It wasn't me to do the translation currently available I just downloaded the translated file, and I had a very quick look (not a deep one, it is past midnight right now here ), but it seems not so bad to me. @ FSoft: Can you please point exactly to errors? If you are not already working on a new translation I can try to write a correction
  8. Hi LUK There is another thing I'd like to be implemented in new versions of ImgBurn After burning a disc in BUILD mode, it is possible to verify the just burned disc, but the verify starts immediately after the burn is completed. Is it possible that the user can define in options a certain amount of time before the verify start to let the drive (and the disc) to cool a bit? After burning a disc, of course, the drive becomes warmer and in summer this can be a rather annoying issue. But this can be a rather annoying issue even in winter, when burning many discs consecutively. Right now it is possible that the user wait some time before the verify, but only if the disc was burned from an image file (an ISO for example), but in BUILD mode the verify starts immediately after the end of cycling tray. TIA
  9. Hi LUK I'd like to request for a new feature to be implemented in ImgBurn. I have no idea if it is easy to do, but I think that it will be a very interesting and useful feature Recently I started to use a software named DVDisaster. It is an opensource software to modify ISO files adding parity data to the image, to increase security and to increase the probability to recover data if the disc becomes damaged in some way. It basically uses all the remaining free space available to completely fill a DVD to the brim, adding parity data to the ISO. The procedure I use at the moment is the following: First I create an ISO file with ImgBurn (having care to leave enough free space to contain parity data, usually around 800 MB), and then I run DVDisaster to add parity data. I wonder if it is possible to make ImgBurn directly create an ISO file in build mode containing parity data, so I can create an ISO directly in build mode without being forced to use an external software. In fact, even if DVDisaster is an excellent software, the entire process is rather time consuming if you must create many ISO files. What I'd like to have is the possibility to select in options if ImgBurn will create an ISO image regularly (i.e. in the way it already do) or adding parity data. According to the DVDisaster software, at least 20% of the disc space must be dedicated to parity data to ensure a reliable disc recovery, but I think that the user should be able to select manually how much parity data insert in the file, so it will be useful to have in options a field to put the amount of parity data to be included in the image (this information will be necessary for ImgBurn to exactly calculate which media must be used to contain all the data when you progressively add data to the build window). I think that the user should be able to choose an amount variable from 10% to 50% (more than 50% is a nonsense in my opinion, and actually 50% could be an excessive amount too, maybe between 10 and 35 or 40 is sufficient to ensure a sufficient protection against data loss). I'd like to add also that actually I have no idea what are exactly these "parity data" added by DVDisaster to the ISO file, sorry I hope that I was able to explain enough clearly what I meant (sorry for my poor English ) Do you think that this feature could be implemented in future versions of ImgBurn? TIA geno
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