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About p1lo

  • Birthday 12/27/1977

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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Thanks LUK
  2. No problem But only nero users or old nero users has this problem...
  3. Italian user has problems to use the drop zone... they want use a file manager to drag and drop file... this is my personal solution to open the explorer file manager and use the drag and drop BWT the user that i know... has two problems: - file manager (that i've design a pretty solution) - IB doesn't support multisession Cheers
  4. If you have a problem to add file to imgburn, you can use... WIN+E... and now you can drag and drop file from explorer to imgburn Cheers
  5. LUK.. now with other members of hardwareupgrade, we have made a topic about Imgburn Imgburn on Hwupgrade.it If you want, we can translate imgburn in italian BTW where i check the .dlang file of imgburn? Thanks
  6. Is it possible to set the overburning under IMGBURN?
  7. Great!
  8. I SECOND that !!! ImgBurn = BEST Burning/Iso Creation/Iso Building Tool on the Planet ---- Second to NONE !!! Thx LUK, donation made, keep up this FANTASTIC tool !!! ImgBurn will be burn all, better than Nero, and it is free and most performant With DVDShrink and DVD43 is the best suite for mastering
  9. Yes of course... it's LFO control
  10. Thanks LUK! Very Good! Great program The same program of Nero into only 2MB
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