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Everything posted by Dstruct

  1. Found some links via Google where people said you can rip an unencrypted DVD (wihh several VOB files) to a single VOB file with ImgBurn? Is that true? I mean I just can select to write ISO, BIN and IMG in "Read" mode!?
  2. The question is: Does ImgBurn rely on any Windows setting or service to be able to show tooltips?
  3. I'm running german Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3. Nothing "odd" about it I think. At least I dind't use nLite or something like this to remove contents and services from my installation CD ... And no, I can't get any tooltips to show up in ImgBurn - no matter how long a leave the mouse on a button. In all other applications (Windows Media Player, WinRAR, VLC, Foobar2000, Firefox - just to name a few), tooltips are shown properly.
  4. Thanks! But it's not the "ShowInfoTip". No change (of course I logged of from Windows and on again to be sure). Then I thought it might be the "EnableBallonTips" entry. Also no change. And then I had another idea. In tweakUI I had "Enable mouse hot tracking effects" disabled, but still no tooltips in ImgBurn if I enable those. I don't know ...
  5. I never had any antivirus programs installed. Do these tooltips rely on some Windows setting?
  6. Yes, I'm using Is there any option I've disabled maybe?
  7. why? is there an option where i can enable those tooltips?
  8. That's the problem. I don't get tooltips here. If I hover a button (say any if the small buttons in writer mode) nothing happens. So are there any or are there no tooltips? I'm confused now.
  9. Sorry, but that's not right. I'm think I can say that I have a bit more knowledge about computers than the average user. Still, icons and buttons without any description can be a pain in the ass. I wanna be sure which function I will trigger before clicking anything. But at the moment it can be a speculation sometimes. Especially if you use the program just once a month or so. You always forget things. Why not displaying small hints in the status bar when hovering button with the mouse? Shouldn't be too hard to implement I guess.
  10. Hello! I'm pretty new to ImgBurn and always ask myself which function all the little buttons have. Is there an option to enable tooltip help when hovering them with the mouse or something like that? No help in there but only those "Funny Quotes"? SOLVED
  11. yep, something like that.
  12. More opinions on this?
  13. What I would find even more useful: If they were not all the same size. Some meters away from your monitor you don't know if the upper one is the "Complete" one for example. So my suggestion: Complete -> large bar as it is now Device Buffer -> small bar Buffer -> small bar too
  14. Exactly.
  15. One thing I don't really like in ImgBurn: The "Cancel" button next to the progress bar. I mean that's the same icon as the "Shutdown" icon in XP's start menu. Bit confusing IMO. Why not a simple button which says "Cancel" or "Abort"?
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