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Everything posted by techman

  1. Fibre I believe is how all SATA drive types are seen
  2. test another wmv file that you know has no drm
  3. try uninstalling your dvd burner from the device manager and reboot machine it will then reinstall the burner see if that helps. If that dont work look under the tools menu in imgburn and click the filiter driver load order and use the copy to clipboard button and post that info here.
  4. If you have a virtual CD/DVD program like Alcohol 52% FE you can try to mount the image file to see if it plays ok.
  5. I never tried using the command line but I curious if I can help. Whats the command line look like your using now?
  6. You dont need the service to write to DVDs. That service is for keeping track of record able media catalogs in a server environment. What are you using that wont work as in burning software, dvd-burner, and operating system. What happening when you try to burn some media?
  7. you shouldn't be needing to muck with that but heres some info on it! http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc782595.aspx
  8. its called the reset button!
  9. you could try verbatim DVD-R media at burning it at half its rated speed. you will need to find other media that works well with the player.
  10. not much info on the player but I would guess its marginal on what media it works with this link so some info http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers/magnavox-mwd2205/6287
  11. get the model of your home player. Heres a link to read up on setting book type and what its all about. Let me research some on the Avi2Dvd program. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=74791
  12. are the movies made using the same authoring software?
  13. if your using an older home player not sure as you didn't mention the model # it may not read DVD+R at all that why if the book type is set as DVD-ROM it fools the player into trying to reading the disc. If you use DVD-R media then the other problem will be the players ability to read the media so you might need to find the right media or use a newer dvd player. The reason for this is older players have a harder time reading burnt media where as your computer are much better at reading burned media. Burned media is a lot harder to read than store bought DVDs and CDs.
  14. reread my first post about you DVD player what model is it ?
  15. this wont help with you problem using your current setup and dont know how what you are using for a laptop you are using but I have an 6yr old 1.2 P3 512mb ram Dell laptop that I using imgburn with default setting but in my setup I am using a USB 2.0 cardbus adapter as it dont support it natively with a 16x speed external USB 2.0 Liteon burner and the setup works great I made my own external drive but they sell external units you cold use. It works great for me! It might be a good alternative if if you dont want to burn at 1x which take a hr for full burn. new setup does them in 15 mins with verify
  16. maybe this thread will help. http://club.cdfreaks.com/f107/anyone-heard...dvd8820-181030/
  17. try using different media. make sure your using latest firmware for dvd burner. try burning a half the speed of other burns. are you using DVD+R try DVD-R. if you bought a big batch of DVD+R and want to use them see if you can change the book type to DVD-ROM. what kind of dvd player you using if it old might be hard to get it to read anything? that all I can think of at the top of my head and the info you gave
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