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Everything posted by manu

  1. Hi Mmalves, Burf, LOCOENG & to all of ur IMGBURN team I LUV U all, LOL...just for ur product sake and for ur ultra fast response...dont think otherwise ( im no gay ). Thanks a lot for all of your support and u knw what IMGBURN rocks, now im gonna tell everybody about your product and will force them to use it. I have finally updated the BIOS with your help because I was soo much worried since its a bios and if anything goes wrong, my laptop will be futile. I am very happy with IMGBURN and you will get all the support from my friends and p ubilicity from my side. I appreciate your help and keep going. Bi for now.
  2. Hi Burf, thanks a lot I appreciate ur help...after checkin my original file from the IBM site and giving the correct suggestion. What you have pointed out is the rite file the reason why I thought its a zip file is because its showing the rar logo to it with the iso extension. May be iso and rar file have the same logo, u know what I mean ...like I can see the file with the same name with iso extension but that it appears as a rar file logo to it. That has confused me so bad and u don't know how many sites I was searching to know what is it like. SO after seeing your message I figured it out that its just using the logo of the rar file but not actually a zip file. Is my understanding correct, so u mean to say like I need not make the CD bootable ....I can just select the iso file and burn it after selecting the iso image to disc option. Please confirm so that I can proceed further with my burning, I will update the forum after I am done. Thanks so much.
  3. hehehe, point noted ur highness....BTW nice boobs...coool man !!!
  4. Its not checked already, so can i just point out the 7lujxxuc.iso file to the write image file to disc and can i proceed further. Your imgburn will do the extraction. Because the iso file is nothing but the zip file with iso extension.
  5. THanks a lot for the reply, but the strange thing here is when I extract the zip file there is no iso file in it, but there are lot of other batch files and exe files in it. The original zip file is the iso file but in a zip format, u know what I mean. For example "file1" is the name of the file, the original one which I have downloaded from the LENOVO site is "file1.iso" but that is in the zip format, I mean like you see a book logo ( the original rar file format, the logo). SO should I just point out to that "file1.iso" without extracting it and follow the procedure sent by you. So you mean to say if we select that zipped file without extracting it all the extraction will be done by the imgburn. Please reply.
  6. I have a dvd +rw combo and I need to update my BIOS for my thinkpad for that I need to burn an ISO file from the original zip file (7lujxxuc.iso orgional bios file in zip format with ISO extension). For ex I got a 7lujxxuc.iso zipped file from the LENOVO website. I have downloaded it and now I need to create an iso bootable CD. I do not know how to do that, can anyone please help me. I am really worried about it because its a BIOS flash and if anything goes wrong I need to throw my laptop. SO my question is how do we create a bootable iso file with the existing (7lujxxuc.iso)zip file, should I first unzip it and then create an iso image and then burn the iso image and make it bootable or just select the original iso file and use the create iso file option on the cd and then boot through it. I do not understand how to do it and the lenovo instructions to flash the bios is very vague and they are not responding if I post it in their forums. Given below are the instructions given by them and I do not get a clue out of it, Make sure you have a ThinkPad system with a CD-RW, CD-RW/DVD combo, or DVD multidrive installed and a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc. Start Windows Vista, XP, 2000 and logon with administrative privileges. Download the ISO file. For Windows XP, 2000, click Start, then click Run... Specify the path where you downloaded the file, then click OK. RecordNow! or the default recording software will open. Example: C:\temp\7lujxxuc.iso Follow the instructions on the screen. I do not have a RECORD NOW software and when i did the last step I am not getting any instructions like how to do it. What I did is first I have downloaded the file to my hard disk and then extracted it with a rar file and I got a bunch of files and I am not able to proceed how to make a iso bootable file with those files. My question is can I just choose the write image file to disc option from imgburn and point out the 7lujxxuc.iso to my cd drive ,and boot through the cd or should I first extract all the files and then choose create image file from the files option after pointing out to the extracted files from the 7lujxxuc.iso(bios file). And if at all I choose Write image file to disc will that be bootable. Please help me, I really appreciate your reply. Please provide the detailed steps like how to do it. Please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks a lot in advance, Manu
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