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About polopony

  • Birthday 02/07/1953

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  • Location
    West Palm Beach

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ISF God (5/5)

  1. CMC rears its ugly head again.I was going through storage and found my supply of mcc verbs also found a spindle of Ritek GO4's. Stuff I burned ages ago on the Go4's still play fine at least the couple of discs I threw in the dvd player did,I was amazed ,they must be 10 years old. I need a new computer to burn again this laptop is only good for surfing and playing solitaire
  2. are some of the links in the help section dead ? clicking on help, from view guides to make a donation are not linking on my laptop the options below donations all work fine , is it just me or an issue with the site
  3. Hey Happy Birthday ,are you coming to Florida this year?
  4. thanks to all for all the Birthday wishes been in the hospital for 6 months out of the past year but all looks good finally out on 04/22
  5. belated Happy Birthday UK see you all soon
  6. Happy Birthday Kev ,and all the others I've missed ,Im currently in the middle of nowhere and access is really a pain in the ass
  7. just getting around to wishing you a Happy Birthday I know your 21st was better than mine I was on a military flight being shipped overseas, a dry flight I might add no alcahol Once again Happy Birthday
  8. just getting around to wishing you a Happy Birthday I know your 21st was better than mine I was on a military flight being shipped overseas, a dry flight I might add no alcahol Once again Happy Birthday
  9. Happy Birthday DB wondered where you got to awhile back ,tried to e mail you awhile ago gut it got bounced back ,glad to see alls well
  10. belated Happy Birthday Donta
  11. thanks to all for the Birthday wishes .I'm currently stuck in a VA hospital for the past 2 months .All's well and hope to be released from here in the next couple of weeks Happy Birthday Firey
  12. polopony


    hey Snazz ,happy birthday mate wherever you are
  13. Happy Birthday bud
  14. a little late but Merry Christmas to you all.(flu is kicking my butt)
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