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Everything posted by Bucky

  1. I had a few Movies where Imgburn couldn't find any good Layer Break Position. Some Discs where Imgburn found a good one hang for about 1 Sec in the middle of a Scene. And why copy in File Mode and lose the LB Information, then choose a new LB that "could" be on the wrong Position, when DVDFab creates an .ini File with the original LB in Clone Mode? It's also a lot faster to just double click on the Iso. CloneCD use the same way to store the LB Infos, but with a different File Extension. (.dvd instead of .ini) LayerBreak=1353424 MORTAL_KOMBAT.000 MORTAL_KOMBAT.001 MORTAL_KOMBAT.002 MORTAL_KOMBAT.003 MORTAL_KOMBAT.004 CloneCD Images are supported in Imgburn. Why not DVDFab? Should be fixed now.
  2. Hi LIGHTNING UK! Could you add Support for Layer Break Information from DVDFab Images? DVDFab stores the Layer Break Position in .ini Files. Would be nice to burn these Images without losing the original Layer Break.
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