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Everything posted by Flocke

  1. jap.. sorry.. i have found the Program.. it is Norton Internet Security 2009.. without NIS shows the Hotkeys right.. with NIS is it damaged.. sorry.. :-)
  2. it is Imgburn that damaged the Codepages or what ever.. on an new installed Windows MCE 2005 SP2 in german language and an fresh install of imgburn makes mistakes with die codepages.. please check this
  3. Try a system restore to a point before installing imgburn, and then reinstall. system restore is disabled.. :-) i reinstall windwos now.. thx an reinstall of windows donts fix the problem.. is possible that this an problem is of last updates of Win XP SP3?!
  4. Try a system restore to a point before installing imgburn, and then reinstall. system restore is disabled.. :-) i reinstall windwos now.. thx
  5. hello, sorry for my english.. i have a Question.. after install imgburn 2.4.2 is somethings wrong.. the hotkeys looks as asian signs. also an other software (fireworks) shows now also asian signs as hotkeys to.. both programs use xml-files (encoding utf-8?!) as languagefile. please see the sceenshot from imgburn. how can i fix this problem? language-settings in system control is select to german. have enyone an idea? greets Flocke
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