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Everything posted by junglefish

  1. Hi I thought I'd resolved this, but I still have problems. I tried using a cheap no-brand dvd+rw to see what results I would get, and it burned perfectly! Brimming with confidence, I bought a cake-pack of TDK dvd+rw and tried them. They all fail. Although now they're failing in a totally different way; they 'complete' then ImgBurn just hangs, saying "Device Not Ready - Medium Format Corrupted". So, again, can anybody tell for sure, is this media-related or is it hardware related? Log attached. ImgBurn6.log
  2. Hi Lightening Okay, using new Verbatim dvd+r and have hit the same problem - in fact it's worse now as the disc neither reads in my PC or the standalone dvd player. Log attached. Any suggestions much appreciated. ImgBurn3.log
  3. Hi Locoeng Thanks for your input. What puzzles me though is that the disc *is* being written to; I can put it in my standalone dvd player and it works fine. It's my PC that won't read the disc. What do you think of these four lines? W 22:34:26 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - (99%, 0/3) - Write Error W 22:34:26 Finalise Disc Failed! - Reason: Write Error W 22:34:26 Retrying (1 of 3)... W 22:34:26 Retry Failed - Reason: Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
  4. Hi Lightening Thanks for the advice. I just upgraded to and tried again, and got the same result. I *am* using cheap dvds, so I'll go out and get some better ones tomorrow. In the meantime, do you mind taking a look at the log I got this time, just to see if it might be anything else? Thanks, ImgBurn2.log
  5. Hi The problem I'm having is this. I backup a dvd to my harddrive (using DVDShrink), then copy those files to a DVD+R using ImgBurn. What's been happening regularly is that the disc appears to get written, but throws up an error message at the end of the process. I cancel the process and manually eject the disc. This disc is then not recognised by the PC any more; it can't read it or even recognise it as a blank disc. However, the disc IS playable on my cheap, standalone dvd player. Any idea why this might be? Log file attached. Any help/advice appreciated. ImgBurn.log
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