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  1. Received the replacement Liteon DX-20A4H06C external drive from www.Buy.com on 12/17/08. Plugged it in, it was recognized by my computer and everything worked great! The first thing I did was flash the firmware with the current download fron www.liteonit.com as is suggested on the site so that the unit will recognize additional brands of media. This unit did not support 2.4x write speed, but since the Verbatim media I had purchased long ago was DL 8x and my new drive supported 4x 6x and 8x write speeds using DL media, I set the ImgBurn write function for this external drive at 4x. SUCCESS AT LAST!!! I have now burned my very first DL DVD! Of course it is only appropriate that I now donate to LIGHTNING UK, as a Thank You for providing the information that made this great feat possiable. I also wish to once again thank mmalves and techman for their input as well. I've also purchased a Western Digital 320GB Passport Elite. My next project is to backup my C drive onto this external USB drive. I've downloaded SyncToy v2.0 rather than use the included software. I'm going to format the USB drive with NTFS, backup my C drive and then format my C drive in place with the NTFS format tool included in Windows XP Home. Wish me luck! I will also attempt to properly add to the Drives section on this site . The ImgBurn log herewith follows: I 21:39:57 ImgBurn Version started! I 21:39:57 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3) I 21:39:57 Total Physical Memory: 2,080,112 KB - Available: 1,583,280 KB W 21:39:57 Drive C:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB in size. I 21:39:57 Initialising SPTI... I 21:39:57 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 21:39:57 Found 2 DVD
  2. Search the forum for thread posted by shot2kl on Oct. 17, 2008. Your problem is common.
  3. Just purchased a Liteon DX-20A4H external USB drive from Buy.com today. Should receive shipment in about 9 days. Will update later. Have previously uninstalled all Pinnacle software (which had driver filters). This uninstall did not in itself fix my problem. DECEMBER 6, 2008: Received a defective Liteon DX-20A4H drive and had to send it back to Buy.com for exchange. The defective unit would not balance, shook like a vibrator, rattled other items on my desk. Downloaded and tried out EAC as recommended by admin. Works great, I love it. Will update later.
  4. Very interesting! I've often wondered myself if SP3 created a software conflict when attempting a disc burn. If this is actually true then I have reason to believe that it conflicts with other burning software programs (NTI Media Maker 8) as well as ImgBurn, but only when attempting to burn DVD+R DL. I hope LIGHTNING UK, mmalves and others will respond to this issue.
  5. Sounds farmiliar...check out my thread (search forum; shot2kl). I'm going to buy a new external drive; compared to a cake of media the price of a drive is not that much more. The general consenses is that old drives and new media don't work well together. You could try Verbatim 2.4x and see what happens. I don't think flashing your drive will work. I have tried everything to fix my issues, all resulting with the same failure. Check out member LOCOENG, and go to her website. You will find a good article about media, which supports alot of what the brains of this site are saying. DL burning has alot of additional particular issues also, strength of laser, angle of laser beam,dye used in the media, etc. I'll post my results in my thread when I get everything worked out.
  6. Thanks so much for the responses techman, mmalves and LIGHTNING UK! I'll work my way through your suggestions. I'm seeing alot of postings with similar problems from ImgBurn users using (LG) HL-DT-ST variations.
  7. I ISO_Write_Failure_screen_PreCRASH.bmp
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