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Everything posted by agents

  1. is this bad or good?? I have the latest firmware i mean i think 2,4x it's a much safer speed then 4x. should i trust these discs? Thanx so much all of you for your help advices
  2. it says supported write speeds 4x,6x,8x.but i'm sure a friend of mine has the same discs and burns them at 2,4 speed!It takes him 40mins to burn whereas i burn them in 22mins.. why can't i burn these MKM-003-00 at 2,4x???
  3. in the gui i can select all speeds from 1 to 56!! yes they are MKM-003-00!!Arent they good?? is it safe that they get only burned at 4x????
  4. hi to all...i recently bought some new verbatim DVD +R DL 8x.. i ve burned many xbox360 games on Verbatim +R DL 2,4x and set the write speed to imgburn at 2,4 and everything was ok. When i burn the new Verbatims i set the speed to 2,4x and Imgburn writes it to 4x!!! Write rate is 4x and now it takes 22mins to finish the operation (on 2,4 it took 40 mins) Why is that???I want the games to be burned on 2,4 to be sure they play right.. can anyone help me????
  5. ok guys i update Imgburn and installed latest firmware for my burner.. the new log I 09:47:51 ImgBurn Version started! I 09:47:51 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 09:47:51 Total Physical Memory: 1,048,052 KB - Available: 581,720 KB I 09:47:51 Initialising SPTI... I 09:47:51 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 09:47:51 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
  6. you are right the new version has default buffer size 40MB.. i hope that this will solve the problem So the buffer hasnt anything to do with the discs??My copies are ok??
  7. thank you so much for the fast reply!! I'm sure that the new verbatims caused these warning!!My biggest concern though is if the copies will have any problems.. So far they seem OK.. Anyone else with a similar issue? Are these warning tottaly harmless? i m getting the new version..
  8. plz help me!!! i use imgburn and it has been running perfectly for my dual layers verbatim +R DL (2,4x) recently my local shop stopped selling these discs and started the new series (printable) verbatim +R DL (8x). The guy told me that are tested and working perfectly for xbox games that i need.. i burned 2 of them and whereas IMGBURN said the operation was successful i got 2 warning at the point it changed the layer!! Here's the log I 04:58:46 ImgBurn Version started! I 04:58:46 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 04:58:46 Total Physical Memory: 1,048,052 KB - Available: 533,832 KB I 04:58:46 Initialising SPTI... I 04:58:46 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 04:58:46 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD
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