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Everything posted by eagle777

  1. If you're burning AVI's to watch on a divx enabled standalone you probably need to include the 'Joliet' file system So does that mean to for me to use ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF instead of ISO9660 + UDF will this still work the way I want it to.
  2. It would be good to see Disc to disc copy of stuff that has already been copied before that is not PROTECTED in your collection that either gets damaged or that one of ur family members want a copy of it. Just a simple non protected copy Disc to disc or on the fly. would make this program the only one I would use atm I have to use Alcohol 120% to do this which means it save alot of time that ppl dont hv.
  3. Hi Before I found imgburn I used all sorts like nero vso's dvdcopy and others, what I find is with all others when I burned a heap of avi's named the same like if there was 12 of the same show sample 1x01.avi to sample 1x12 it would look like that when u watched it in a dvd player but with imgburn I found it under scores everything like this sample_1x01.avi and when I go to watch them in a dvd player it does not put it in order from 1 to 12 the r all over the place and under volume label I put the name sample_s1, then when I put this dvd into a dvd player to watch all 12 go like this sample_s1 then s2, s3 and so on but all mixed up, so now on all data dvds I have to do this 01 sample 1x01.avi and now they r all in order and also now i can read it properly like 01_sample_1x01 , 1x02 and so on. can u tell me whats going on and does imgburn have to under score everything or can I hv it like this Sample 1x01.avi instead of 01_SAMPLE_1X01.avi. Thank U for Ur time
  4. Hi Yer sorry no I didn't mean rip/copy protected data I meant copy on the fly because atm i use Alcohol 120% to copy my dvds and cds on the fly which saves alot of time then creating an image then burning the image.
  5. Ok Thx for that i will try and get my hands on Verbatim DVD+R DL discs
  6. Hi I had the same issue and read most of the posts and there are alot with the same issue, with all the same issue alot are having maybe it could be Imgburns problem may be a bug because i went to burn a dual layer and i got the failed error few seconds after i pressed the burn button so i tried another of the same blanks and it worked, then the next project i went to burn was around the same size (both over 7GB) as the first so i tried the blank that was spat out first time and it didnt work so i tried a smaller DL (Under 7GB) image and tried the same blank and it worked all the DL burns i did verified and are working perfectly at 4x, and mine is a new burner with the latest firmware its a pioneer and the disc's are not verbatim. Maybe its a size issue with Imgburn dont take me the wrong way i am not pointing fingers (i think this is the best burning software bare none) i just thought this could help in trying to figure out the failed to set L0 data zone Error. Thank u for ur time hope this helps.
  7. Hi I would like to see DVD to DVD or CD to CD Funtion then I can get rid other burning programs and just use urs Plz Thank you for ur time eagle.
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