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Posts posted by kevdriver


    :notangel: I couldn't comment mate !



    Ort I couldn't remember........... :whistling::teehee::lol: Sounds like you had a good time LFC......... :w00t:

  1. Sal, The tray will automatically open and close before it begins to verify. This happens right after a completed burn closure and the actual verifying stage. Is it not doing this or ejecting and not reclosing to begin verify? Next time just post up the complete log so we can double check the whole process up to the problem. :)

  2. Mattyjsmith, Just don't burn anything you want to keep for an extended period of time on those discs if it's important, chances are there is errors on the finished products and also when you go back to the disc in as little as 6 months, it won't be readable anymore due to the degradation of the cheap dye on them. I'm sorry you don't believe us about Verbs. :)

  3. Uncheck 'preserve full pathnames' ? (which is default anyway)


    Then you'll only get 'my backup folder' and not 'D&S' -> 'Me' -> 'Desktop' -> 'my backup folder'.



    aah great,, i knew it had to be easy,, I should have caught that!!


    Lol,, fwiw,,, i must have burnt 20 some disks today,, all great burns!! :)





    It's a great program Anvil......... :thumbup:

  4. Spiderman 3 and Shrek 3 are both great movies. If you like the previous Spiderman movies this one fits in just great, and Shrek 3 is just as funny as the previous 2,although I think the mjolly green guy is losing weight. :)

  5. therock 003, Just to add to Mr Shamus's post, If used correctly and with good media, Verbatim, then Img always gives consistant high quality burns. :) Verifying will 99.99999% of the time pick up any errors between the original image on your HD and the burn't final product. :thumbup:

  6. Yeah, but are not all discs protected? For example I rented two movies, one shrink copied perfectly no problem, but the other is the one I'm having trouble with. BB has all of their discs protected don't they?


    Anyway, I'd still really like to know how it all works. I'm still confused about the other stuff in my post. Can you help me out? I would really appreciate it. Also is there any way to bus through the protection?



    Img is a burn only program. It WILL NOT remove copy protection. You can't be helped here. :|

  7. We think so as we have never seen him since he started there, altho he may have found Shamus' USB Emporium of delights of course !! =))


    Not to mention Shamus' School Of Sensitivity........................... :lol::lol:

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