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Posts posted by mrbass

  1. I know it took Nero forever to add this. Initially when they did there were OH SO MANY PROBLEMS. Back in the DVD2SVCD FAQ at some time it was recommened not to burn .cue files with Nero. Now it's hunky dory though. It would be a nice feature for those into SVCDs and VCDs.

  2. also my mirror is up too

    Guide isn't really meant for people who've used dvddecrypter cuz really a guide doesn't need to exist. This is just for total virgins to it.



    I had a couple questions and if you could explain in just a small sentence and I could use that for my guide if that'd be ok.


    Write Type: DAO (Disc at Once) ....incremental (not sure about that one)

    does this mean it doesn't close out the session and allows multiple sessions to be recorded to that disc...if so then I totally understand


    User Specified - Sectors in LO: (gonna have to look this up)

  3. When dvddecrypter went good-bye there were many comments about people wanting to donate for that program but were no longer able to. Well that handicap no longer exists so it's all about perspective as to which program your donating for even though officially it's for imgburn.

  4. ok I never suggested this for dvddecrypter because burning wasn't it's main emphasis now I don't feel guilty suggesting this for ImgBurn. Say you crank out a DVD Slideshow and wish to make 25 copies for a family reuninion or something of that sort. It already has the eject ability to say you set it to 25 copies after the first copy it ejects then starts automatically once a new DVD/CD is put in the tray and starts burning. This is all automatically without the need for the monitor to be on.


    I think nero has this ability but (maybe I'm remembering it wrong) you had to click a mouse button to confirm the burn and then it'd eject and also click to start it (ok perhaps not click to start it part) but the monitor had to be turned back on. Basically want to do this so a blind monkey could do it (i.e. my wife).

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