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Burning Apollo

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Everything posted by Burning Apollo

  1. okay, just tested it. u cant. but it should!
  2. Okay, Under the WRITE tab, which is in the SETTINGS menu, there is a checkbox with "Finalize Disc - Autoretry" next to it, but completely paralell to that, there is another checkbox. so, im thinking that "Autoretry" belongs to the checkbox on the right. anyways, I unchecked the "Finalize Disc" option now, I haven't tested this yet, because Im currently out of dvds. but, i will later today.
  3. Got it! It's under the Write tab in the Settings menu. funny, when i checked if dvd decrypter had this option, nope! imgburn is to go
  4. I find that its not unusual for dvd burning to fail with my computer. But every time the burn fails, but I never get an option asking me if I'd like to finalize the disk or not. Now, I know that if the disk is not finalized, it can be used again for burning and the disk does not become useless. Hell, failure or sucess, even Nero gives you the option to finalize or not if you change your mind. No, I dont plan on buying a new dvd drive, because about 83% of my burns are sucessful. All I'm asking is if I can disable the auto-finalizing "feature" in ImgBurn. This would save me from a lot of useless dvds
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