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Everything posted by Julian1984

  1. Oks! Thanks you!!! P.S. Can anyone tell me which one is the drive i have? HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50N RR04
  2. I van't make overburn of the dvd?
  3. Hi! I'm trying to make a dvd, and i get this error. "Invalid Field in CDB" What can be it? Here is the log: I 20:30:23 Operation Started! I 20:30:23 Building Image Tree... I 20:30:23 Checking Directory Depth... I 20:30:23 Calculating Totals... I 20:30:23 Preparing Image... W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x03 - El Dia De La Bastilla.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x03 - El Dia De La Bastilla.[www.DivxT.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x04 - Acto de Contricion.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x04 - Acto de Contricion.[www.DivxTota.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x05 - No Puedes Volver a Casa.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x05 - No Puedes Volver a Casa.[www.Div.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x07 - Seis Grados de Separacion.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x07 - Seis Grados de Separacion.[www.D.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x08 - De Carne y Hueso.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x08 - De Carne y Hueso.[www.DivxTotal..avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x09 - Una Sorpresa para Tigh.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x09 - Una Sorpresa para Tigh.[www.Divx.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x10 - La Mano De Dios.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x10 - La Mano De Dios.[www.DivxTotal.C.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x11 - Dia De Votaciones.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x11 - Dia De Votaciones.[www.DivxTotal.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x12 - Los Ultimos Destellos de Kobol Parte1.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x12 - Los Ultimos Destellos de Kobol P.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File: 'C:\Users\p\Downloads\Torrent\Galactica\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\BattleStar.Galactica.[T1].DVD.XviD.MP3.[www.DivxTotaL.CoM]\Battlestar Galactica 1x13 - Los Ultimos Destellos de Kobol Parte2.[www.DivxTotal.CoM].avi' -> 'Battlestar Galactica 1x13 - Los Ultimos Destellos de Kobol P.avi' W 20:30:23 Joliet File System: 10 folder/file names have been modified due to your current settings. I 20:30:23 Checking Path Length... I 20:30:24 Contents: 13 Files, 0 Folders I 20:30:24 Size: 4.755.492.864 bytes I 20:30:24 Sectors: 2.322.018 I 20:30:24 Image Size: 4.755.554.304 bytes I 20:30:24 Image Sectors: 2.322.048 I 20:30:25 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:01 W 20:30:27 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn! I 20:30:27 Operation Started! I 20:30:27 Source File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==- I 20:30:27 Source File Sectors: 2.322.048 (MODE1/2048) I 20:30:27 Source File Size: 4.755.554.304 bytes I 20:30:27 Source File Volume Identifier: BSG Temp1 I 20:30:27 Source File Application Identifier: ImgBurn v2.4.3.0 - The Ultimate Image Burner! I 20:30:27 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 20:30:27 Source File File System(s): ISO9660; Joliet I 20:30:27 Destination Device: [0:1:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50N RR04 (G:) (ATAPI) I 20:30:27 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: MCC 03RG20) I 20:30:27 Destination Media Sectors: 2.298.496 I 20:30:27 Write Mode: DVD I 20:30:27 Write Type: DAO I 20:30:27 Write Speed: MAX I 20:30:27 Link Size: Auto I 20:30:27 Lock Volume: Yes I 20:30:27 Test Mode: No I 20:30:27 OPC: No I 20:30:27 BURN-Proof: Enabled E 20:30:36 Failed to Reserve Track! - Reason: Invalid Field in CDB E 20:30:37 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:09 I 20:30:37 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
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